

From January to July this year, the number of imported cars at Tianjin Port increased by 30.5% year-on-year

马来宾环保油墨整理发布,转载请注明出处  发布时间:2021-08-25

Recently, a batch of cars imported by Tianjin Tianrui Logistics Co., Ltd. passed the “two-stage access” conditional lift-off model through Tianjin Customs. After completing port inspection and other procedures, they were successfully lifted out of the port and transported to the company’s own warehouse for storage. It can be lifted off when the goods arrive, and it only takes less than a day. In order to further enhance the facilitation level of imported automobile trade, Tianjin Customs has actively promoted the reform of "two-stage access", combined with the adoption of the "advance declaration" and "ship-side direct delivery" customs clearance models, and carried out innovations in the regulatory process model, including appointments for online inspections and optimization of follow-up inspections. Car inspection and printing procedures, etc., to make every effort to improve the customs clearance efficiency of imported cars at Tianjin Port. According to customs statistics, from January to July this year, Tianjin Port imported a total of 165,100 automobiles, an increase of 30.5% year-on-year.


"Under the'two-stage access' mode, our imported vehicles no longer need to be parked at the port and wait for the test results. They can be lifted out of their warehouses directly after the tax is paid. While waiting for the test results, they can complete the pre-market preparation. It has greatly improved the efficiency of our vehicle maintenance." The relevant person in charge of Tianjin Tianrui Logistics Co., Ltd. said.

According to reports, as one of the important achievements of the customs "two-stage access" reform, "conditional lift-off" refers to the goods that have been inspected in the port supervision area and the inspection results are normal, and the inspection results have not yet been fed back. If the entry risk is controllable, the enterprise is allowed to lift it out first, and the enterprise can sell or use it after the inspection agency feedbacks that the inspection result is qualified.

According to relevant staff of Tianjin Customs, in the past, imported cars needed to complete a series of procedures such as quarantine, inspection, tax payment, inspection and testing at the port before they could be picked up and put into storage before they were put on the market. Now through the "two-stage access" conditional lift-off mode, companies can lift vehicles to their own storage warehouse in advance while waiting for the test results to prepare for listing, saving time and cost by 2-3 working days and improving While improving logistics efficiency, it also reduces logistics costs and vehicle damage risks.